Je viens de traduire une série de courtes biographies pour la Cour pénale internationale.
Je vous propose de traduire celle de Nicolas Guillou, Chef de cabinet du Président du Tribunal spécial pour le Liban :
"Nicolas Guillou graduated from the Sorbonne University's Faculty of Law in 1999 and the French National School for Judges and Prosecutors before being appointed as Investigation Judge in the Court of Meaux, near Paris. In that capacity, he handled a variety of criminal cases, such as murders, organized crime and financial crimes. (...)
In 2012, he was appointed France's Liaison Prosecutor at the US Department of Justice in Washington DC. Notably, he facilitated judicial cooperation between the two countries in criminal and civil matters, especially in counterterrorism, foreign corrupt practices and cybercrime. He has been the Chef de Cabinet to the President of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon since November 2015."
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